Hello preggosphere mamas! After searching all over social media for the most fashionable preggo mama, we came across Keila Leist and we definitely knew we wanted her to be a part of Bump Style Approved! Make way! The most gorgeous preggo mama is in the building! Check out all her fun deets! On your mark, get set, READ!:-)
Name: Keila Leist
Your Hometown: The Twin Cities- St. Paul/Minneapolis Minnesota
Current Location: Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Your Occupation: Domestic Diva ;)
Your Due Date: November 9th, 2014
Number of other children (w/ names and ages): Gabriel 16 months
Significant other name: Benjamin
![[Bump Style Approved: Pregnancy Q&A with Keila Leist] - [Keila Leist in White Shirt and Red Maternity Pants]](http://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0556/7229/files/mommy_in_milwakee_grande.jpeg?1663)
Preggosphere: Tell us a little bit about yourself
Keila: I graduated college with a B.S. And worked in the medical field for over 7 years. Once our son was born, we decided that I'd stay at home with him while he is young. I quickly realized that staying at home with him, and being able to exclusively breastfeed left me little time for myself. As much as I love being able to do these things, I didn't want to 'lose' myself in the process of mothering. That's when I decided I would begin writing as a creative outlet and started blogging. It then turned into more than writing and became a platform to share our story (family, fashion, food, and living in a new city).
![[Bump Style Approved: Pregnancy Q&A with Keila Leist] - [Keila Leist in White Maternity Polo Shirt]](http://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0556/7229/files/mommy_in_milwakee_2_grande.jpeg?1664)
Preggosphere: What's the best and worst part about being pregnant?
Keila: Best part is the kicks and feeling him move and grow. The worst part is not knowing exactly when he will come! I wish I had the exact date and time!
![[Bump Style Approved: Pregnancy Q&A with Keila Leist] - [Keila Leist in Blue Maternity Dress]](http://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0556/7229/files/mommy_in_milwakee_3_grande.jpeg?1665)
Preggosphere: Yes, don't we all. They are so innocent and little but they seem to have a mind of their own, LOL. So, how would you describe your fashion style? Has it changed since you got pregnant?
Keila: I would say my style is both functional and chic. I try to keep it simple because with a toddler running around I don't have a lot of time to pull myself together. It has changed a lot since my first pregnancy. As a breastfeeding mom, I had to learn how to dress cute while nursing and that is hard to do! But after a while you get used to the changes and putting an outfit together becomes easier.
![[Bump Style Approved: Pregnancy Q&A with Keila Leist] - [Keila Leist in Red Maternity Dress]](http://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0556/7229/files/mommy_in_milwakee_4_grande.jpeg?1666)
Preggosphere: If I raided your closet right now, what would I find most of?
Keila: Maxis and skirts! I have been living in them this summer.
![[Bump Style Approved: Pregnancy Q&A with Keila Leist] - [Keila Leist in White Maternity Top and Black Pants]](http://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0556/7229/files/mommy_in_milwakee_5_grande.jpeg?1667)
Preggosphere: What's your go-to pregnancy outfit?
Keila: A cute pair of maternity leggings and a flowy tunic- you can't go wrong :)
![[Bump Style Approved: Pregnancy Q&A with Keila Leist] - [Keila Leist in Gray Maternity Longsleeves and Gray Maternity Leggings]](http://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0556/7229/files/mommy_in_milwakee_8_grande.jpg?1670)
Preggosphere: What brands do you love - maternity or otherwise?
Keila: I love to mix it up and hardly ever look at brands. If the piece looks great and it's within my budget- I buy it.
![[Bump Style Approved: Pregnancy Q&A with Keila Leist] - [Keila Leist in Black Shirt and Maternity Jeans ]](http://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0556/7229/files/mommy_in_milwakee_7_grande.jpg?1669)
Preggosphere: Are you skipping the heels while preggo or wear them throughout your pregnancy?
Keila: I wear them throughout. Although for the day-to-day I wear a cute flat or sandal.
Preggosphere: Fill in the blank: I wouldn't dream of leaving the house without ______
Keila: A shower! It's the first thing I do to get ready, even if it's only 5 minutes. Works wonders!
Preggosphere: Oh we know! There's literally nothing as magical as showers! Okay, what moms do you think have/had great maternity style?
![[Bump Style Approved: Pregnancy Q&A with Keila Leist] - [Keila Leist in Printed Maternity Dress]](http://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0556/7229/files/mommy_in_milwakee_9_grande.jpg?1671)
Keila: I follow so many chic mom bloggers and IG fashionistas and it is hard to choose. But I love a mom who can look effortless and cute. Among celebrities, I think Kourtney Kardashian has it down to a science.
Preggosphere: She is one hot preggo mama for sure. Would you say you a trend setter or do you prefer to follow the latest trend? Or a little bit of both?
Keila: I'd say a little bit of both :) I love putting outfits together and sharing what I think looks chic but that might not be everyone's cup of tea. When it comes to trends I tend to pick items that I think are versatile and will last longer than a season. But that isn't always the case ;)
![[Bump Style Approved: Pregnancy Q&A with Keila Leist] - [Keila Leist in Gray Maternity Dress]](http://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0556/7229/files/mommy_in_milwakee_6_grande.jpeg?1668)
Thank you so much Keila for answering all our fashion questions! Hey mamas, stop whatever you are doing NOW and go check out Keila's blog at mommyinmilwaukee.blogspot.com