This breastfeeding month, our sister brand, You! Lingerie, is highlighting real moms and their breastfeeding stories.
We are sharing our platform with all the amazing moms who want to amplify their voices and share their experiences. Here are the stories that we featured for #WorldBreastfeedingWeek
"Of course when Elijah was born I knew I would want to breastfeed again and here we are, 21 months in still breastfeeding and now also feeding our newest baby who is 3 weeks old."
- Victoria (@theturktribe)
“Breastfeeding is not easy, it’s not like the movies and it’s not always beautiful like the photos we see online. It’s exhausting and emotional, it’s learning how to do it all over again with each baby. Whether it was years, months, days, or just hours, YOU are amazing.
Saturday, August 1st - the first day of world breastfeeding week marks 652 days straight that I have been breastfeeding and 1,047 days total between all my kids.
When Juliet was born I was just 17, I knew nothing about breastfeeding but I knew I wanted to try. We made it 3 days.
When Noah was born I knew I wanted to do better, I did research and pre made an appointment with a lactation consultant. We made it 13 months and he weaned when I became pregnant with his brother, Elijah.
Of course when Elijah was born I knew I would want to breastfeed again and here we are, 21 months in still breastfeeding and now also feeding our newest baby who is 3 weeks old. We’ve breastfed through engorged breasts, overactive letdown, exclusively pumping, and while we were both sick.. we’ve made it through pregnancy, low milk supply, thrush and mastitis. We’ve fed through nursing aversions, clogged ducts, allergies, using a nipple shield, and more. It feels like we’ve seen it all, it feels like everything that could possibly be thrown at us , has at one point or another. But we’ve made it through. We’ve beat the odds. We did it and I am PROUD of how far we have come and even prouder to say we have no end in sight!
So no matter how long you breastfed, no matter what challenges you’ve seen or what caused your journey to end. BE PROUD of yourself.”
"We just passed our 6 months milestone last month and now we are gonna keep going until our next milestone which is a year! I love breastfeeding and I hope all mamas can find support if they have problems!"
- Liliana (@mrsleahy)
"I had to stop BF my son 8 years ago when he was 3 months old. Why? Because BF wasn’t as easy as people say. For some, yes! But for others it could be some scary things especially when you have no support system in place! I regretted stopping that early with him for years. I thought I could have done more for him and I hoped if I could be blessed with another baby I will try my hardest to keep going!
7 years later came along a little girl and I knew I had to given her my all! 🥰 she’s my miracle baby! I shouldn’t have had her but I do now! And to know she latches perfectly right away I was so happy to start this BF journey with her. But, it didn’t last! I had so many milk blebs I cried and cried and almost gave up! I had to see a lactation consultant a few times to see how she latches and she helped me to find ways to get rid of the blebs! If you ever had them before, you’ll know the pain! And I cried every single feeding for months! I just kept going though!
And I’m glad I did! We did it! I got rid of those blebs and a few occasional clogged duct 🙌🏻. We just passed our 6 months milestone last month and now we are gonna keep going until our next milestone which is a year! I love breastfeeding and I hope all mamas can find support if they have problems! I’m glad I did because without them we won’t be here!"
"Now everyone gets to enjoys mama’s milk again. Breast milk isn’t only for newborns."
- Kristen (@bemybreastfriend)
"In May ‘18 my multiples were delivered by c-section and my exclusive pumping journey began!
We weren’t able to nurse and because of exclusive pumping I was able to provide fresh breast milk to my babies for 18 months. And now 9 months later I’m back to exclusive pumping for my singleton.
Now everyone gets to enjoys mama’s milk again. Breast milk isn’t only for newborns.
Keep pushing forward mama! Happy breastfeeding week!"
"As wild of a ride these past six months have been, I have savored every single moment I get to share with the two of you."
- Mariah (@theboujeebabies)
"Our breastfeeding journey has been just that - a journey. Highs and lows. Ups and downs. Late nights and early mornings. As wild of a ride these past six months have been, I have savored every single moment I get to share with the two of you. Even the ones at 3am! I love you, my sweet babies."
"This act that we do for love, is quite difficult, it consumes all your time and energy ... but for the one reading this and trying it: have a lot of PATIENCE"
- Carol (@carolrojas7)
(translated in English) "Breastfeeding month is to become aware of this super power that we women have. But first I want you to know that I am pro-help in this act, and I never judge the path that every mother takes whatever the circumstances, I support them equally.
In my case, I was prepared for breastfeeding to be complicated (it was the topic I was looking for the most because I wanted to do it exclusively) but to my surprise, Danié stuck naturally and from there grew our most beautiful bond ♥ ️ although the first few months for nothing that I saw them in this way since he has always been very demanding of attention and stuck to his chest every so often 🙈 (no joke, every time).
We are a community where we must educate and support each other!
This act that we do for love, is quite difficult, it consumes all your time and energy ... but for the one reading this and trying it: have a lot of PATIENCE, seek support, and do not give up on the first attempt 🙏🏼"
"Nursing isn’t for everyone, but it was for me. Those are moments I will never forget, and I hope I can create them with our next baby, too."
- Allison (@becomingtheirmom)
For me, breastfeeding has been the best part of motherhood so far. It helped create a bond between my son and I that is indescribable and the most special relationship I’ve ever experienced. As excited as I am for our next son to be born in a few months, I have to be honest and say that it seems impossible to replicate my first nursing experience.
For all the first-time mamas out there who are worried about breastfeeding, just know this - your body and your baby know what to do. Don’t push yourself or your baby too much. What is meant to come naturally, will. And if you have to, or choose to, supplement with formula? GREAT! That’s what was right for your body and your baby. You’ll never be more in tune with your body than when you are using it to feed another human being.
Nursing isn’t for everyone, but it was for me. Those are moments I will never forget, and I hope I can create them with our next baby, too."