How To Make a Postpartum Herbal Sitz Bath: Because Your Nether Regions Deserve the Best

How To Make a Postpartum Herbal Sitz Bath

So, you’ve just pushed a tiny human out of your body. Congratulations! You’re officially a superhero. Now, while you bask in the glory of motherhood, let's talk about something that'll make those postpartum days a bit more bearable: the magical postpartum herbal sitz bath. Yes, it’s a thing, and yes, it’s as fabulous as it sounds.

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Why Should You Care About a Sitz Bath?

After the grueling marathon that is childbirth, your perineum (that’s the fancy term for the area between your vagina and anus) deserves some serious TLC. Whether you’ve had a vaginal delivery or a C-section, a sitz bath can soothe soreness, reduce swelling, and prevent infection. Basically, it’s like a spa day for your bottom, and trust me, you’ve earned it.

A historical scene of an ancient Roman woman using a sitz bath, herbs and salts beside her, in a luxurious Roman bathhouse with marble columns and intricate mosaics, soft sunlight streaming through large windows

The History of Sitz Baths: Because We Love Fun Facts

Sitz baths have a rich history that dates back to ancient times. In various cultures around the world, women have used these mini-soaks for postpartum care long before modern medicine provided other alternatives. Ancient Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans documented the use of sitz baths for their therapeutic benefits. In medieval Europe, they were often recommended by midwives for postpartum recovery.

In many non-Western cultures, postpartum women are traditionally pampered and given special treatments, including sitz baths, to aid recovery and ensure the well-being of both mother and baby. In contrast, contemporary Western practices sometimes overlook these beneficial rituals, emphasizing a quick return to normal activities. Despite this, the effectiveness of sitz baths has stood the test of time, proving that some ancient remedies are just as valuable today.

What You'll Need for Your Herbal Sitz Bath

Ready to get started? Here’s what you’ll need to create your own heavenly postpartum herbal sitz bath:


  • Epsom Salt: Eases muscle pain and draws out toxins from the body.
  • Sea Salt: This natural detoxifier provides the needed minerals to help the body heal quickly and can encourage peaceful sleep for both mama and baby.
  • Lavender: This relaxing floral scent promotes restfulness and is antibacterial, antifungal, and an antioxidant.
  • Plantain Leaf: This herb has been used for centuries to heal inflammation and promote quick healing.
  • Witch Hazel: Known for its anti-inflammatory and astringent properties, it’s great for hemorrhoid relief.
  • Yarrow: This herb has antibacterial and antifungal properties, helps replenish intestinal flora, and stops bleeding from hemorrhage.
  • Calendula: Known for its amazing anti-inflammatory properties, studies have shown its effectiveness in healing wounds.
  • Chamomile: This herb has a relaxing scent and is helpful in soothing anxiety and inflammation. It is also a natural antibiotic, antibacterial, and antifungal.
  • Comfrey Leaf: Soothes dry, irritated tissues, reduces swelling and bruises, and stimulates tissue repair.
  • Red Raspberry Leaf: Tightens loose tissues, reduces inflammation, and is rich in nutrients.
A modern-day apothecary's workspace, ingredients for a postpartum herbal sitz bath being mixed, herbs and salts in glass jars, mortar and pestle, wooden bowls, in a rustic yet clean setting with natural light and a touch of greenery

Herbal Sitz Bath Recipe


  • Cotton muslin bags or tea nets


  • 1 cup (9 ounces) of unrefined sea salt
  • 1 cup of Epsom salt
  • 2 ounces of lavender blossoms
  • 2 ounces of plantain leaf
  • 2 ounces of witch hazel
  • 2 ounces of yarrow
  • 2 ounces of calendula
  • 2 ounces of chamomile
  • 2 ounces of comfrey leaf
  • 2 ounces of red raspberry leaf


  1. Combine the Ingredients: Mix all the herbs and salts together in a large bowl. Feel like a witch brewing a magical potion.
  2. Fill the Muslin Bags: Spoon the mixture into the cotton muslin bags or tea nets. These little bundles of joy will be steeped in your bath like giant tea bags.
  3. Prepare Your Bath: After the birth of your baby, fill your tub with water as hot as you can tolerate. Drop one muslin bag into the water and allow the salt to dissolve and the contents to steep. It’s like making a giant cup of healing tea for your lady bits.
  4. Enjoy the Soak: Once the temperature of the water is comfortable, sit your glorious self down and enjoy a relaxing, heavenly-scented bath. Let the herbs work their magic for about 15-20 minutes. You deserve this moment of peace.

A Few Important Notes

  • If you have stitches, limit yourself to one sitz bath a day. Overdoing it might sound tempting, but we don’t want to over-marinate those stitches.
  • If you have no stitches, feel free to enjoy multiple baths a day. You’ve earned it, champ.
  • Continue these baths until you feel comfortable, or until your partner starts wondering why you’re spending so much time in the bathroom.
An artistic representation of a postpartum mother enjoying a herbal sitz bath, surrounded by the calming scent of lavender and chamomile, in a warm, candle-lit bathroom, water infused with herbs and salts, soft steam rising

The Benefits of Sitz Baths: Not Just for Postpartum

Still not convinced? Let’s break it down. Sitz baths are not just a postpartum miracle. They’re also great for:

  • Hemorrhoids: Because pushing out a baby isn’t the only thing that can make your bottom feel like it’s been through a war.
  • Perineal soreness: Whether from childbirth, bike rides, or just life, a sitz bath can help.
  • General relaxation: Who doesn’t need a little “me time” in a warm bath infused with healing herbs?

For more benefits and a deep dive into why sitz baths are your new best friend, check out our post on the benefits of sitz baths for postpartum care.

DIY vs. Store-Bought Sitz Bath Mixes: What’s the Deal?

Sure, you can buy pre-made sitz bath mixes, but where’s the fun in that? Making your own allows you to customize it to your liking and ensure you’re using the best quality ingredients. Plus, it gives you an excuse to feel like an apothecary, mixing up your own personal blend of magic. DIY sitz baths also tend to be more cost-effective, giving you more bang for your buck while ensuring that every ingredient is natural and beneficial.

On the other hand, store-bought mixes offer convenience and consistency, with carefully measured ingredients and easy-to-follow instructions. They are a great option for moms who may not have the time or energy to prepare their own mixtures. In our upcoming post, we'll dive into the top store-bought sitz bath products, providing reviews and recommendations to help you choose the best one for your needs.

A postpartum mother in a serene bathroom, relaxing in a sitz bath filled with herbal infusions

Wrapping It Up

So, there you have it: the lowdown on making your own postpartum herbal sitz bath. It’s easy, it’s soothing, and it’s exactly what your body needs after the Herculean task of bringing a new life into the world. Don’t skimp on the self-care, mama. You’ve earned every single minute of that herbal soak. Now go forth, brew your bath, and soak your weary bits in well-deserved luxury. Cheers to you, supermom!

Medical Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. Always consult with your healthcare provider before starting any new treatment or therapy, especially postpartum.

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