6 Labor & Delivery Fears Debunked

6 Labor & Delivery Fears Debunked

When the time draws near for your little one to make his epic entrance into the world, certain concerns fill your mind, and sometimes, you just can't shake them off. Will I get to the delivery room in time? What if the pain is too great and I can't do it? Okay, mamas-to-be, fear not! The terrifying feeling of terror is quite normal, and yes, you will plan for your big day, but like everything in life, when does anything ever go to plan right? But, no worries! No need to hyperventilate because you can throw your labor and delivery fears out the window.

Overcoming Anxieties About Labor and Delivery

Table of Contents

I'm Worried I'll Go Past My Due Date

An illustration of a worried pregnant woman looking at a calendar with the due date marked, showing anxiety about going past her due date

Sometimes it happens, and some expecting moms have gone way past their due date. Fear comes creeping in because going two or three weeks past your due date seems a bit insane, right? Well, not really. Don't worry. Sometimes stressing out can affect the timing of your labor. Your fear can literally get the best of you and prolong your little bundle of joy from saying hi to the world. Relax, breathe, and perhaps take up meditating to channel positive thinking. It can help you stay relaxed and focused. Also, try walking, sex, and massage to help you naturally induce labor. And don't forget to check out our article on Perineal Massage, which might help you feel more prepared and relaxed.

I'm Afraid My Water Will Break at the Worst Time

An illustration of a pregnant woman looking shocked and concerned, with water breaking at an inconvenient moment, symbolizing fear of unexpected water break.

Oh goodness! This is quite terrifying to even think about. I mean, what if you are at the mall or the grocery store and you get a little watery surprise? That would be embarrassing, huh? Though this scenario is possible (like we've all seen in the movies), it's unlikely. Only 15% of women have experienced the "water breaking" phenomenon. Besides, unlike the dramatic effects of movies, you won't have a flood of water pour out of you. It is most likely going to be a little trickle, so no need to worry. You will have some warning contractions as a sign your baby is on his/her way. Always keep a small towel and some extra clothing in your bag, just in case, to help ease this fear.

I'm Scared I Won't Be Able to Handle the Pain

An illustration of a pregnant woman looking scared and in pain, showing her fear of not being able to handle the labor pain.

Pain is no fun, duh! No mama wants to go through that. We've all heard the stories of moms telling their stories of labor contractions and how it is the most excruciating pain ever! So can you do it? Of course, you can! From the beginning of time, women have gone through childbirth pain and have lived to tell the stories and so can you. No need to worry about it. When the hour finally comes, you will be strong enough to handle it. Besides, you can always ask for the epidural, the magic injection that seems to make the pain a bit less painful. Knowing your pain management options and discussing them with your doctor beforehand can also provide peace of mind.

I'm Anxious About Tearing During Delivery

An illustration of a pregnant woman looking anxious and fearful, with visual cues suggesting her concern about tearing during delivery.

Oh! The thought alone makes me cringe with fear. Yes, it is possible to get vaginal tears when giving birth (which often occurs in your perineum – the area between your vagina and your anus.) This happens if your baby is too big or in an awkward position, then you may need an episiotomy (a surgical incision on the perineum and the posterior vaginal wall during the second stage of labor). So is there a way to prevent this from happening to you? A controlled delivery can help prevent vaginal tearing. This means you need to sometimes fight the urge to push while the baby's head is crowning. Also, be sure to look for an experienced practitioner who has successfully helped women through childbirth without tearing. Though no scientific study has proved that massaging the perineum before birth can help reduce tearing, but hell, it's worth a try. For more on this, see our detailed article on Perineal Massage.

I'm Nervous My Baby Might Get Stuck

An illustration of a pregnant woman looking nervous and worried, visualizing her concern about her baby getting stuck during delivery.

Take heart in knowing your baby cannot get stuck. If you or your baby experiences difficulty, then a quick C-section will be required to get your baby out. Although most women are scared of having to go through a C-section because of the length of recovery time, pain, and fear of being cut wide open, no worries. Know that if it ever came to this, your doctor is doing it for the health and safety of both you and your baby. C-sections are common and many women have them safely. Preparing yourself mentally for the possibility can ease some of your anxiety. Educate yourself on the procedure so you feel more in control if it becomes necessary.

I'm Embarrassed I Might Poop During Labor

An illustration of a pregnant woman looking embarrassed and concerned, symbolizing her fear of an awkward poop moment during labor

This should activate your gag reflex, but it is a legitimate fear that most expecting moms have because, well, it is just plain embarrassing. Well, sorry to break it to you, but it is quite possible you might drop a load while the doctor yells "push." Pooping is a sign that your baby is ready to come out and a sure sign that you might not need a C-section, so that should put things in perspective for you, right? Pooping equals everything is great, so calm yourself. Besides, everybody poops, so don't be embarrassed or scared. It happens to the best of us. Doctors and nurses are used to this and handle it professionally.

What labor and delivery fears did you have, and how did you deal with them?

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