The thrill of meeting your bundle of joy for the first time is super exciting for any first time mommies. Every expectant mom wants to make their hospital stay as thrilling and easy as possible and the question every first time moms ask is "What do I need to pack in my hospital bag?" Believe it or not, you don't need to pack much as you think but no worries...We got you, mamas, so sit back and enjoy the packing process.
Here are 8 must-haves to include in your hospital bag
1. Health insurance
Be sure to take all your health insurance information along with your birth plan (if you have one.)
2. Toiletries
Although most hospitals provide some of this, you are more than welcome to bring your own shampoo, soap, conditioner, lotion, toothbrush, toothpaste and contact lens solution.
3. Camera
Say cheese! You definitely want to take your camera to capture the little moments.
4. Maternity and/or nursing bras
Whether or not you choose to nurse your bundle of joy, you should pack one of two maternity bras. It will be nice to have the extra support. 5.
5. Pairs of socks
Hospital floor is usually very cold so you might want to bring a pair or two you don't mind throwing away after use.
6. Snacks
After you meet your precious babe, you will be tired and hungry. Yeah...the hospital provides food but you might want to pack something you know you will eat just in case the hospital food doesn't delight your taste buds.
7. Electronics/Entertainment
As a first-time mom, the process of getting prepped for delivery might take longer than expected so you will totally need your iPad, phone, a good book and magazines to keep your fully entertained while you wait.
8. Take home outfits for you and your babe
When it's time to go home, you know you want you and your baby to be super duper comfortable. For your little babe, pack a nice simple outfit without any zippers to avoid scratching him/her and for you, pack a comfortable maternity outfit and shoe for your ride home.
What do you plan on putting in your hospital bag for the birth of your beautiful baby?