Preggo Leggings Turns 10
A message from our CEO:
It's our 10th birthday, so we are celebrating. 🥳
Okay mamas, gather around! 👯♀️
Guess what? Our baby, Preggo Leggings is all grown up! Can you believe it's been a whole decade since we started this crazy adventure? I'm totally freaking out that we are about to hit double digits! 🎂
TEN years in business. 🥳
That's right, on August 1st, it will be 10 years of keeping mamas and their bumps comfy and stylish. OK, for real, I'm shook. 😮
TEN years in business. 🥳
That's right, on August 1st, it will be 10 years of keeping mamas and their bumps comfy and stylish. OK, for real, I'm shook. 😮
First off, I gotta say - you mamas ROCK! 🤘 Seriously, I'm getting all misty-eyed and emotional over here thinking about it. 😭 You've been with us through thick and thin, and I just can't thank you enough. You all are the real MVPs, you know that?
It's been such an honor to be a tiny part of your incredible journey into motherhood. We've been on a mission to keep you feeling fab, comfy, and supported while you're doing the most incredible job in the world. Because let's face it, growing and caring for tiny humans is no joke.
To mark this milestone, we're throwing a party the only way we know how - with a mega blowout SALE. It's our way of saying "We love you and thank you!" So go ahead, treat yourself. You've totally earned it!
To mark this milestone, we're throwing a party the only way we know how - with a mega blowout SALE. It's our way of saying "We love you and thank you!" So go ahead, treat yourself. You've totally earned it!
And hey, if you know any other lovely ladies joining the mom club, please spread the word. Let's share the love (and the deals)!
Big hugs and belly rubs! 🤗